welcome on my blog. here I am going to post the reality of the existing reality my future life and what I feel for this. follow my tumblr : http://moonpeace.tumblr.com follow my twitter : @wdyheksa
Jumat, 29 Juli 2011
my real feeling with you
I have the feeling, and I have the heart to feel what Ican, I see, and I understand. but the feeling and heart can not be I feel after I saw, looked, and felt aheartbeat so hard inside me. I did not understand why the heart is always pounding when I heard your name.Do you feel what I feel right now? and I'm not sure!I'm not sure that you could feel what I feel now, oreven today. I can only hope a miracle can wake youup this feeling, just a miracle! and I hope that whatyour friend said it was the real thing. the same feelingas I feel at this moment to you
Rabu, 27 Juli 2011
tentang saya
hey guys,join di blog gue ya :) gue mau ngenalin diri gue,nama gue widya gue biasa dipanggil widy atau widya tapi up to you lah :D umur gue 15th dan gue duduk di bangku sekolah SMA PRAMITA kelas XI-IPS.gue SMP di SMPN 1 CURUG-TGR trs gue SD di SDN BINONG 3 dan TK di TK AL-AMANAH.oh iya,gue juga punya dua sahabat yang menurut gue agak ngeselin tapi mereka berarti bgt buat gue mereka bernama FARAH KAMILA si idiot bin lemot bin autis dia klo udh kena megang hp udh gak bisa diganggu gugat!sangking udh autis ama BBnya -___- dan NADIYA MUTIARA NURHASANAH,nah kalo nadiya biasa gue panggil MAMAK,abis klo udh nyerocos alias komentarin org udh kaya emak emak gosip!dan dia paling tua diantara kita bertiga makanya klo dia udh ngomel gak ada yg berani ngelawan.haha.hem apalagi yaaa,oh iya sekarang status gue masih JOMBLO!!haha blm dapet cowo yg pas boooook :D nah status ini nih yg bikin gue suka dicengcengin ama temen-temen(sabar aja gue sih).oke segini dulu aja yaks perkenalannya :) kapan kapan dilanjut lagi.bubuy blogers :)
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